
Costbucket Online Quick Links

Sales & Customers

Account Management

Accounting Reports

Purchases & Suppliers

Inventory Management

Sales Reports

Inventory Reports

POS Navigation

Credit Card Processing

Understanding the Dashboard

The dashboard is the main navigation area for business owners and staff.  All activites are updated in the cost accounting software which both displays information and processes data.

How to create product categories

Product categories have to be created in order to create products.  Categories are classified as:

Finish goods - products available for sale

Raw materials - components use to make a finish good

Dummy product - no inventory movement

Service charge - no inventory movement 

Labor internal - cost to make a product

Overhead internal - cost to make a product

How to create products

Provide information on how to create a product purchased for resale, assembled or manufactured.   Important steps included for costing product to ensure that the unit cost of the item is broken down example.

A 100lb bag of rice costing $45.00 per bag is equivalent to $0.45 per pound.  If the bag is bought for resale the cost to monitor is $45.00 but if the rice is used to make meal the cost is $0.45.

Understanding the inventory cycle and process

Inventory cycle include:

Create purchase order

Receive inventory

Create supplier invoice and match inventory received

Pay supplier invoice

Purchase Orders, Receiving inventory and supplier payments

Steps showing the purchase order process

How to process an unpaid supplier invoice

Automate the inventory process

Create purchase order - automatically done

Receive inventory - automatically done

Create supplier invoice and match inventory received - automatically done

Pay supplier invoice - Business need to process

How to process fully paid supplier invoice

Automate the inventory process

Create purchase order - automatically done

Receive inventory - automatically done

Create supplier invoice and match inventory received - automatically done

Pay supplier invoice - automatically done

Setup product made or assembled

Manufactured product - Inventory components are immediately reduced to make a product then the new finished product is added to inventory.  inventory is tracked on the components and finished product.

Example - a candle, a car, a laptop, bread, lotion etc

Assembled product - Inventory components are immediately removed to process a sale.  Inventory is tracked only on the components.

Example a burger made at a fast food restaurant

Inventory Count process

Steps to count inventory and adjust stock on hand

Click HERE to Learn more

How to update multiple products 

Bulk update of products

POS Explanation

Shows opening cash (float), menu navigation and processing of sale

Steps to process a POS Refund

Manually add products to process a refund or search for a previous invoice to refund.  

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