Create Products

All categories of products, services, or labor hours should be created as a product with differentiation based on the type of product. 

Inventory movement is tracked on Finish Goods and raw materials. 

Inventory movement is not tracked on service charge, dummy items, and overhead.

Manufactured items are products converted from raw materials into a finished good which is physically added back to inventory till sold. eg a car or pc.

Assembled items are products converted from raw materials into a finish good at the point of sale eg burger.

Click on "Create New Item"

Populate the Inventory Form

Stock Code

A stock code is required for each stock item, this can be any combination of characters up to 20 characters long. The coding structure of stock items should be considered, to ensure that like stock items appear together.

POS Descriptions

A description of the stock item - can be up to 50 characters long. A description is required for each stock item.  The Stock description should not have any special characters (&"/'$#%?{}!*;:).


Categories need to be set up first. A stock category is required for all stock items. The stock category is a text field that groups like stock items together.

Unit of Measurement

This field describes how the stock is to be maintained and is self-explanatory. It is a compulsory field.

Economic Order Quantity

The quantity of products to be ordered which at the best cost including shipment

Units of Measure

This field describes how the stock is to be maintained and is self-explanatory.

Current or Obsolete

If this field is set to obsolete, this indicates that the stock item is no longer used.

Make or Buy

This field is compulsory and indicates whether the stock item is:


This field denotes whether the item is to have lot control on it. Lot control is known by several terms including, batch control, bundle control, roll control.  Batch Controlled should be 'YES' or 'NO'.  Batch Control should be 'Yes' if the product have serial number.


Serialized is a special case of controlled where the batch size is always one. The system will prompt for the serial number of each item of stock being received and stock records will be maintained for all serial numbers separately. Controlled has to be active in settings for serialized to work.

Bar Code

This field is the unique identifying bar code for each item

Discount Category

Available only as a quantity discount in the POS.

Decimal Places

Some items of stock require a number of decimal places to be retained and displayed, others do not require any. This field is used throughout the system for invoices, orders and all places where the item quantity is displayed.

Quantity in Batch

By default this is 1.  This is used to manage the purchasing process where a batch of items are ordered from the supplier and received as 1 unit but the individual units / components are for sale or used in the make or assembly process.  Example.  A honey factory orders 1 barrel of honey for use in their production process.   Each barrel contains 18,000ml of honey.   The Quantity in batch would be 18,000, the unit of measurement would be ml and when purchasing and receiving new orders, the business will confirm the number of barrels received and the Costbucket software will automatically add 18,000ml of honey to the inventory.