Stock Count Process

The stock count process should not be done while sales or purchases are being processed.    

It is a four part process which requires: 

Repeat These steps for each location

Create Stock Count file (See Image below)  The stock count file takes a snapshot of inventory on hand for comparison with the inventory being counted

Log into Costbucket and click on Cost Accounting

Step 1. Create the inventory stock count sheet

Step 2. Inventory Count Process

Staff sign into Costbucket dashboard and click on the inventory count app where they search for products and add to the cart and include the quantities and any notes they may need to log. 

Review and update product quantity and notes then select Submit button for the required location

Click on View Entered Counts in top right corner to view items counted.  Once completed, click on resume entering counts button

Step 3.  The manager review the Inventory comparison report once the counting process has ended.

Step 4. The manager or supervisor close the Inventory process.