POS Refunds

To process a refund on the cash register, go to the top left corner and open the main left menu and scroll down to the refund option.

There are two refund options

  • Manual Refund - add products to cart manually and process a refund

  • Search Invoices - add previous transaction to cart which include all products ordered. Easiest search option is to add the last 6 digits of a transaction number. Transaction numbers are displayed on the receipts in the format Year Month Day Hour Minute Second example 20210827150516 representing August 27, 2021 at 15:05 and 16 seconds (24HR Clock).

Manually search for products and add to the cart then select the customer, payment type and reason for processing the refund.

Search for products using receipt reference number, customer name, customer mobile number or customer email. Possible to also scan the barcode on the receipt to retrieve invoice to be refunded.

Search for invoices by date

The reason for processing a refund. Reasons are split between Why it is being refunded on the left and the action to take on the right.